August constructsteel newsletter

Explore global construction trends and discover innovative steel solutions in the Australian industry. Plus, delve into the pandemic's impact on superstar cities' real estate dynamics.

July constructsteel newsletter

This month, watch our latest video and learn more about fire resistance in steel structures. Plus, a report on building value by decarbonising the built environment highlights effective solutions that are proven and cost-effective.

2023 constructsteel annual conference

The fifth constructsteel annual conference will occur on 26 September 2023 in Seoul, South Korea.

June constructsteel newsletter

Learn more about modular construction principles, benefits, and potential to reshape the industry. Plus, stay up-to-date with regional construction market trends and worldwide industry news.

May constructsteel newsletter

Updates from our composite steel timber working group. Plus, valuable insights into the workplace of tomorrow.

April constructsteel newsletter

In this month's newsletter, learn about Nest-In by Tata Steel, which uses various technologies to offer green and sustainable prefab solutions in India. Plus, how an ecosystem approach may be the solution to implementing smart mobility solutions at scale with the potential to transform city living and improve quality of life.

March constructsteel newsletter

Check out our recently launched steel solutions platform. Plus, insights on igniting opportunities in the built environment in Europe.

Steel Solutions platform

The Steel Solutions platform aims to centralise steel construction products and solutions from around the world.

February constructsteel newsletter

Dr. Suzuki, Chief Manager Construction Products Development Division at Nippon Steel Corporation gives an update on the activities of our composite construction steel-concrete working group. Plus the latest construction market trends, news headlines, and industry technical trends.