about constructsteel

constructsteel is the steel construction market development programme of the World Steel Association


constructsteel is a global marketing and research-focused programme whose role is to position and target specific markets & topics requested by members for members. At the same time, constructsteel has a regional dimension i.e. to assist in transforming global efforts into opportunities at the regional level.


Our mission is to position the use of steel as a material of choice in a sustainable way and by communicating its benefits to construction stakeholders.

Benefits of joining

  1. Participating members contribute towards current work items and to propose new areas.
  2. Participating members may contribute to discussions and learn from the experiences of other members.
  3. Invite experienced professionals to address topics and share what can be done to improve agreed items.
  4. Share and promote items.
  5. Help position steel as the material of choice for construction creating demand now and in the future

constructsteel leadership team and staff

Prof. Dr. Oliver Vassart


Ashish Anupam

(Tata Steel )

Kimberley Olson

(Nucor )

Kei Teshima

(Nippon Steel)

Dr Joseph Seungmin La

Senior Advisor

Terrence Busuttil


Gabriela Borges

Communications Manager

Global Advisory Committee

The constructsteel Global Advisory Council (GAC) is composed of academics and renowned experts in steel construction who provide guidance to our programme’s various activities, including on the topics of Zero Energy Building, Life Cycle Assessment, industrialisation of construction, steel composite construction, and bridges.