Stade Abdoulaye-Wade

There is no off side at Stadium Abdoulaye-Wade de Diamniadio

Steel supports the large spans of the Stadium Abdoulaye-Wade de Diamniadio in Senegal optimising the view from every seat

The Olympic rings at the Paris Olympics

Steel runs rings around the Paris Olympics

Steel is a key component of the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympics, it has been used in the manufacture of the infamous Olympic rings, as well as the torches and cauldrons.

Zaha Hadid's Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Arts Centre, exterior at night

Raising the roof – steel is the first act to amaze at Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Arts Centre

Zaha Hadid Architects has made steel the star of the show in Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Arts Centre, Guangdong Province, China.

Termite nest design inspried the temperate design of the Eastgate Centre, Harare

The Eastgate Centre, Harare was inspired by termite nest design

Drawing on termite nest design and combining the ancient materials of brick and stone with contemporary steel and glass, this retail and office complex transformed building heat systems.

Disaster resilient school

Smart shelters bring disaster readiness to underserved communities

The Smart Shelter Foundation's innovative use of steel has been pivotal in addressing the pressing need for resilient infrastructure in Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, and Indonesia.

Kelani Bridge is the first steel mega viaduct in Sri Lanka

The new Kelani Bridge is an outstanding example of structural steel use in a mega viaduct.

Australian highway upgrade with BlueScope’s REDCOR

The Berry to Bomaderry Highway upgrade is a newly upgraded, four-lane section of road, that includes two composite bridges constructed using BlueScope’s REDCOR Weathering Steel.

POSCO opens Park1538 to the public in Pohang, South Korea

Park1538 is a new landmark located next to POSCO’s headquarters overlooking Pohang Steelworks. Park1538 is named after the melting point of pure steel – 1538℃ – and was built as a cultural space to share POSCO’s past, present, and future with the public.

Walvis Bay Port

Walvis Bay port expands southern Africa’s logistical capacity

Sited on reclaimed land, the new facility is bordered by 600 metres of new quay wall that enables a water depth in the port of 16.5 metres.