Zaha Hadid's Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Arts Centre, exterior at night

Raising the roof – steel is the first act to amaze at Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Arts Centre

Zaha Hadid Architects has made steel the star of the show in Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Arts Centre, Guangdong Province, China.

Termite nest design inspried the temperate design of the Eastgate Centre, Harare

The Eastgate Centre, Harare was inspired by termite nest design

Drawing on termite nest design and combining the ancient materials of brick and stone with contemporary steel and glass, this retail and office complex transformed building heat systems.

Tokyo skyline

Tokyo flood defence network is civil engineering marvel

A network of massive steel-built gates, levees and tunnels are crucial to Tokyo’s ongoing battle against the impacts of climate change.

Disaster resilient school

Smart shelters bring disaster readiness to underserved communities

The Smart Shelter Foundation's innovative use of steel has been pivotal in addressing the pressing need for resilient infrastructure in Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, and Indonesia.

Japan National Stadium: A triumph in steel-structured excellence

The Japan National Stadium, honoured with the inaugural constructsteel Awards' Best Project of the Year, stands as a testament to architectural expertise, structural finesse, and collaborative excellence. Spearheaded by the Taisei Corporation, this monumental endeavour encapsulates a fusion of design ingenuity, construction efficiency, and environmental awareness.

Park Royal Hotel - garden

Garden hotel in Singapore offers sustainability masterclass

The Park Royal Hotel Pickering in Singapore stands as a shining example of sustainable architecture through its ‘hotel-in-a-garden’ design.

POSCO’s Innovilt Zero-Energy Villas: Championing sustainability in steel construction

In a significant milestone for sustainable construction, POSCO's Innovilt Zero-Energy Villas secured the constructsteel Award in 2023 for their outstanding commitment to sustainability. This recognition represents a significant moment in the evolution of eco-conscious housing, highlighting POSCO's dedication to innovative steel construction.

Shilda Winery

Sleek, modern winery blends beautifully into Georgian countryside

Nestled within the enchanting landscapes of Georgia, the Shilda Winery is a celebration of architectural ingenuity and a showcase for the creative use of steel in design.

Mexico City skyscraper is sustainable, earthquake-proof pioneer

One of Latin America’s tallest buildings combines sustainability, a striking aesthetic, and earthquake resistance for a stunning mix of security and luxury.